Tofara Mususa

Software Engineer building full-stack web applications.


I am a software engineer based in Abu Dhabi, UAE, originally from Harare, Zimbabwe. l am launching a creative web agency Pluton while l search for my next work opportunity.

I specialize in full-stack development, focusing on both front-end and back-end engineering. I am deeply interested in Large Language Models (LLMs) and their practical applications in creating new value and experiences on the web.

My career's focus is building reliable and efficient web applications that provide convenience better,cheaper and faster. Thank you for visiting my site! Feel free to reach out via email or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Work & Education

I am studying at Ecole 42 (Abu Dhabi Campus). The 42 education model has revolutionized my approach to learning and problem-solving, providing me with a robust foundation in computer science and enhancing my ability to grasp new concepts while tackling complex issues.

I started programming with C, progressed to C++ and then to TypeScript and Python. I plan on learning Go next as l explore building backend-systems further.

I have extensively used Git and the Linux systems. Deployed with Docker-compose and GitHub Actions. l build RAG systems and AI agents with LangChain and its various tools

High School @ St George's College. A'Levels Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting


This website was built with TypeScript, NextJS, Tailwind, shadcn/ui and deployed to Vercel. The font is QuickSand from Google fonts.